Beginning in the 1980’s, citizen groups have sought designation of the river and its corridor under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. In 2002 the US Forest Service found the Crystal River eligible for inclusion in the national Wild and Scenic River system, which would protect its free-flowing character, water quality,vand outstandingly remarkable scenic, historic, and recreational values.
The Crystal River Wild and Scenic Collaborative (“Collaborative”) was formed in 2022 as a scoping group to discuss the creation of a facilitated process. The Collaborative envisions creating a structure to enable broad reaching discussion and investigation of the feasibility of such a designation or other protective measures. The Collaborative contemplates the identification and creation of a stakeholder group to commence in fact finding, identification of overlapping interests and concerns, and a robust discussion of shared goals and strategies that would facilitate lasting river protections for the Crystal River, including, but not limited to, Wild and Scenic designation. It is the intent of the Collaborative that the initial phase of the stakeholder process will bring together a robust and representative cross section of interested parties to provide informed input; examine, explore, and investigate river protection; access and rely on experts in river and riparian health; engage experts to provide factual information relevant to protective designations; agree upon rules of engagement; be a process grounded in the highest integrity and inclusiveness; and result in identification of shared principles for protection of the Crystal River.
Ths website will be a clearinghouse for the records of what that stakeholder process covers, learns, and decides, as well as a source for information on upcoming meetings and how to get involved. If you have any questions please email the group administrator at